Glen Weyl on Plurality Seoul
Current status
A: Screenshots from movie✅
B: Japanese translation (Machine translation)✅
B2: Convert them to better translation(Work in Progress)
C: English text transcribed through speech recognition✅
左上にはトファス・ワン。ビジュアルデザインをたくさん手掛けてくれました。 グレッグ・ワンは右下、皆さんとご一緒しています。
左下のカジア・ソンは、基盤となる「Go Forgit」プロトコルに関する多くの作業を主導しています。
Hi again it's me Glen.
And I um am still sad that I can't be there with you in Seoul but I am there with you in my soul in spirit.
And I want to share with you my vision of what plurality is all about now
this book is joint with Audrey and with the whole community
and I know Audrey sending you a message so I'm sure there will be lots of overlap but we have different styles and takes on the material, and so I wanted to give you mine
but we
have different styles
takes on the material
でも語順がhave different stylesからだ
構造としては we have different (styles and takes) on the materialかな
I've put up on this some of the folks that have been participating in this process
there are dozens maybe hundred at this point so I can't list them all but among them are
tophus Wang
who is in the upper left uh he designed lot of the visuals
who's there with you all
who's in the bottom right also there with you all
who wrote a number of the stories
s Reon
who's been doing a lot of our work on uh community building in the crypto Community
kazia son
in the bottom left who um has been leading a lot of the work on the underlying go forgit protocol
Holly hearen and Matt dryhurst
on the left who wrote one of the chapters
vitalic buin
who's been participating in editing uh a variety of it
それは、テックラッシュを通じて政府が研究開発への支出を次第に減らし、特に権威主義的な体制(中国の一部の地域など)と比較してテクノロジーを支援することに失敗しているためです。(そうした体制下ではインフラを通じて自動運転車への投資と支援を行っています) the basic motivation of plurality is that around the world we see a conflict between technology and democracy
On the one hand technology is widely viewed as attacking democracy um fragmenting the social landscape through social media uh creating polarization and generating and spreading uh misleading information that
undermines Democratic functioning
下が"many in the tech world"という主語から始まってるので、上も主語を補う訳の方がわかりやすいか?
While at the same time many in the tech world view democracy is a threat to the advance of Technology through the techlash from the fact that governments are increasingly reducing their spending on research and development テックラッシュが政府の研究開発の支出判断に影響を与えている、ということ?cFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon テックラッシュを感じている人々ってどういう群なんだろう。民衆?政治家?cFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon
and therefore failing to support technology especially when compared to authoritarian regimes like in uh uh certain parts of China that have been investing in supporting autonomous vehicles uh through infrastructure and so forth
クリプトスペースでは、テクノロジーとは人々を社会的制約から自由にし、ハイパーキャピタリスト市場を、全てを創り出すものだと考えています。 二つ目は、統合テクノクラシー、テクノクラシー、豊かさのテクノクラシーと呼ばれることがあります。このビジョンでは急速に加速する人工知能が皆に豊かさをもたらし、人々がAIの計画する全てに基づいて生活できるようになるというものです。 and we believe that this is happening this conflict between technology and democracy is happen
because there are two very well articulated ideologies for the future of technology which are in tension with democracy
one is uh what we sometimes call corporate libertarianism entrepreneurial sovereignty
these are the this is the vision associated with a lot of the crypto space where technology is really about freeing people from social constraints um and uh creating a sort of hyper capitalist market and everything a sort of
超資本主義的市場?cFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon どういう市場なんだろう
a second Vision that's very commonly expressed is what we call synthetic technocracy or technocracy or abundance technocracy
a second Vision that's very commonly expressed
ここの後半の"that's very commonly expressed"はどういう気持なんだろうcFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon
synthetic technocracyは一般的にに使われているような言葉ということ?
this is a vision that um radically accelerated artificial intelligence will create abundance for everyone um who then will just be able to live based on that while the AI plans everything
そして私達が信じているのは第三のビジョン、デジタル民主主義です。これはAIやクリプトに関連せず、技術フレームワークであるPluralityに関連しています。インターネットの発展や今日持っている多くの技術の基盤となってきていながら、今日まであまり明確には表現されていない考えではありますが。 and we believe there's a third Vision uh digital democracy um that's associated not with AI or crypto but with the technology framework that we' called plurality which has actually underly lay a lot of the development of the internet and many of the Technologies we have today but is less well articulated um
このビジョンが最も効果的に示されているのは、台湾のデジタル民主主義の例によってです。台湾では、g0vが国の大部分の人々が参加する技術プラットフォームを開発し、ソーシャルメディアの摩擦を生産的な政策討議、公共問題への解決策、環境、パンデミック、インフォデミックなどへの対応に向けてチャネル化することを可能にしました。 and it is Illustrated most effectively by the example of taiwan's digital democracy where the gov zero movement um through who has developed a uh technology platform that uh a large fraction of the country
participates in that empowers us to take some of the friction that we see in social media and channel it into
productive deliberation on policies on solutions to public problems on addressing uh challenges environmental the pandemic the infodemic ETC
これは、オードリーとg0v(ガブ・ゼロ)運動によって実現されました。彼らは、2014年に国民が立法院を占拠したこのひどい対立を、分裂と対立の源ではなく、国の問題に対する合意形成プロセスに変えました。オードリーは世界初のトランスジェンダー大臣、オキュパイ運動のリーダーとして世界で初めて大臣になった人物で、このすべてを実現するために非常に活発に活動しています。 and this really came out of uh Audrey and the gov zero movement which took this uh terrible conflict that the country had where people occupied the legislature in 2014 not in such a different way from the occupation of the national legislature in the United States on January 6th but rather than it becoming a source of division and conflict it through these tools became uh a consensus building process that has addressed a lot of the country 's problems
Audrey became the first transgender digital minister in the world uh first transgender minister in the world first leader of an Occupy Movement in the world to become a minister
and Audrey has obviously been very active uh making this all happen um
B2 WIPcFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon
and has told about it in poetry so her
poetic job description is when we see
the internet of things let's make it an
internet of beings when we see virtual
reality let's make it a shared reality
when we see machine learning let's make
it Collaborative Learning when we see
user experience let's make it about
human experience and whenever we hear
the singularity is near let us remember
the plurality is here
but while this is a beautiful poetic expression and Audrey has shown all of this
often telling is or knowing is harder than doing
explaining something is even harder than enacting it
and so we decided to write this book to explain so others can learn and build on um the ideas that underly the philosophy that underlies the plurality movement that Audrey has expressed and developed
and the simple definition of
this is technology to facilitate
collaboration across social differences
and it builds on a idea from Star Trek
um as well as from philosophers like
Hanah arant Daniel Allen and others um
called infinite diversity and infinite
combinations this is in Star Trek the
Vulcan philosophy that all truth beauty
and progress come from the uh Union of
the unlike and it's symbolized by this
circle and uh triangle giving birth to a
and uh this
philosophy has a
correspondence with the foundations of a
Democratic Society in a Democratic
Society there are fundamental rights
which are thought to be sort of common
understandings that everyone needs to um
respect that underly the development of
the democratic system and and the
capitalist systems that work on top of
it and in digital systems there are
basic operating systems that are kind of
these common understandings on which
applications run and internet protocols
We Believe directly combine these with
protocols uh that exist now but even
more that are need to be built in the
future that can represent both rights
and the basic affordances of the system
on which things can build these in build
these include personhood and
identity uh associational systems uh
that pertain to privacy and publicity of
information property and contract and uh
the underlyings of commercial
and on top of these we can build a
spectrum of different applications and
interaction modalities for cooperation
across social difference there's always
going to be a tradeoff between the depth
of cooperation and the breadth of social
difference that it spans uh it's always
going to be easier to cooperate most
deeply with those who are more similar
to us or among a smaller set of people
and to cooperate
um when we cooperate with a broader set
of people across greater social
difference to use thinner interaction
modalities so right now you know before
we uh augment with plural
plurality uh there is a range of
different modalities that we use to
interact there's intimacy that is the
deepest form of connection but one that
only uh Works across a small number of
people or a homogeneous group all the
way to capitalism which spans the globe
but which is a very thin way to interact
and plurality is all about pushing back
the frontier of what's possible allowing
deeper collaboration with a broader set
of people by enhancing each of these
different uh modes of interaction taking
capitalism to more social Market markets
making intimacy even richer with
technologies that allow direct brain
interface um taking conversations that
can only occur in small groups and
scaling them more broadly while also
enriching them with uh deeper
and we believe that these
new uh ways of interacting these new
ways of collaborating can transform life
across a range of domains they can uh
make the workplace richer more connected
and more um socially grounded they can
make social media more participative and
also uh more consensus building um they
can enrich the ways that we maintain our
environment get our energy
educate uh and learn and um care for
こうすることで実現可能になり、そのためには政策環境からの支援と世界中の公共参加が必要です。様々な国々にわたる、この種のツールを使った実験のネットワークを構築することが、オリジナルインターネットを築いたARPAシステムの精神であります。デジタル省が異なる場所でこれらのデジタル公共インフラの部分を開発し、それらを実験し、そしてそれらを標準化して世界中に広めることができます。 and to make this possible we need
support from uh the policy environment
and uh public participation around the
world building a network
of experiments with these types of tools
across countries in the spirit of the
arpa system that built the original
internet but ranging across much broader
diversity across different countries
across digital Ministries in different
places that can develop these pieces of
digital public infrastructure experiment
with them and then standardize and
spread them across the
everyone can contribute to this
movement artists can tell its story um
and tell stories that represented and
harness the Technologies in their
um politicians and uh activists can use
these tools to do politics to make
decisions together and show how this can
change the way that government and
policy Works technology companies like
anthropic can harness it to actually
build Tools in Democratic ways and build
tools that Empower uh
participative uh building
of the um world around us and
collaboration and academics can
participate in advancing what's possible
in this space and uh organizing academic
institutions through things like the
plurality Institute in ways that
themselves embody plurality and harness
it to advance our
and we're building this book
in a way that shows not just tells the
principle involved that invites everyone
around the world to contribute to the
building of the project through an open
uh no copyright
um git based project where anyone can
contribute to the text
貢献した人は、ソウルバウンドトークンやプルーラルクレジットなどを通じてクレジットを得ることができ、十分な貢献をした人は本のカバーやクレジットで表彰されます。 and everyone who
contributes will get credit um through
soulbound tokens through uh plural
credits that rep represent the amount of
the contribution by showing up on the
cover of the book if they've made
sufficient contribution and in credits
um receiving discounts on GitHub it's
私たちは、金融的インセンティブではなく、Gitのオープンソース精神に基づいて構築されたブロックチェーンのようなプロトコルであるGov4Gitを通じてこれを行います。このプロジェクトに参加する人々は、プロジェクトへの参加の一環として、データベースを自発的に維持します。 and we do this through a protocol
called gov4git which is like a
blockchain but not built on financial
incentives instead on the open source
ethos of git where people voluntarily
maintain the database as part of their
participation in the project
and the
bunch of the ideas in the book including
funding prediction markets and such
auctions to provide um a system where
people receive credit for contributions
and then are able to use that credit to
manage and direct the Project's future
so I hope that many of you
will join us in the book in the broader
movement you can reach out to me at
plural Glen plural. net um you can
check us out at app plurality book on
Twitter on uh X or um you can check
check out the text directly and get
links to all these things at plurality
Donnet thank you so much for your
leadership and I can't wait to work with
all of you to help realize this Ambi
vision for transforming technology to
align it with democracy and with social
diversity thank you
--- discussion
A: Screenshots from movie✅
Where can I watch this movie?cFQ2f7LRuLYP.icon
(I uploaded the video file from Dropbox to YouTube as private and added subtitles. Before sharing the link to that video here, I'm confirming with Glen just to be sure that it is under the CC-0 license.)
GlenWeyl: everything is CC0